Thursday, August 26, 2004

Why not smile more?

I often wonder why people don't smile more.

What's keeping our emotions supressed and the feelings of joy from erupting? Is it about stress and the absence of joy?

We work hard and play soft, treading lightly on the pedals of fun and excitement. Why? We word hard making a fortune for someone else, can't find the joy and laughter in our lives?

I propose we live and enjoy our moments on earth -- it is but a vapor... here today and tomorrow, a question mark.

Choose laughter over a STERN face, joy over happiness and most of all, enjoy the simple things - a sunset, a flower, your smile...


Tuesday, August 17, 2004

What do you like to do?

Kalia AmosI love to play tennis. As a matter of fact, I'm on my way to a match now. I wanted to ask you a question before I left... what's your favorite hobby, sport, passion?

Monday, August 16, 2004

The O Team
Posted by Hello

Got Teeth?

Kalia Amos
I'm finding out more and more each day about the correlation between oral health and it's effects on our bodies. I want so much for us to begin to take better care of our teeth and gums.

The other day I was talking with my aunt and discovered she has dentures. My mom has dentures, my grandparents had dentures, even my cousin has dentures -- what's up with that?

I was at a mini retreat and I noticed that 1 out of every 5 people have dentures or tooth extractions. Why? Poor oral health care.

Listen, let's begin to take better care of our teeth and gums -- our health depends on it!

Get Kissed More!

Getting Closer to Others Just Got Easier!
We’ve all seen the TV ads that tell you to swish that mouthwash for as long as you can and “bear the burning.” Supposedly, the reward is clean and fresh breath, because the alcohol in that mouthwash “killsthe germs that cause bad breath!” And what about those nice, strong mints we see in the drugstores and supermarkets? They give you that great burst of mint taste and you’re ready to take on the day and talk to everybody with confidence, right?

Then…reality sets in. A few minutes later, the freshness is gone! So…you are back to swishing more “mediciny” rinse, and/or popping a few more mints in your mouth! Something is not quite right with this logic! What’s the real story about bad breath? How can you keep your breath fresh and clean for hours at a time without having to use harsh or toxic products? Is it really necessary to “kill the germs”?

Millions of people like you are starting to learn the truth about breath control, and it’s not what we’ve been told for decades! Bad breath is probably the most misunderstood health condition, and is a problem that can negatively impact your personal and professional life. Even if you don’t have a problem, you certainly don’t want to worry about ever having a problem! The good news is that we now know a great deal more about how to freshen breath…safely and effectively. You don’t have to put up with the burning anymore!

Let’s keep this simple.
First off, bad breath almost NEVER comes from the stomach, digestive system or sinuses, or even from poor oral hygiene. Ninety-eight percent of chronic bad breath does come from the mouth, but you can brush your teeth and gums TEN times a day, and still have a problem! What’s the deal?

Bad breath is caused by sulfur-producing bacteria that live without oxygen (called anaerobes) and are normally present in the deep crevices of your tongue and your throat. Let me say that again. These bacteria are supposed to be in your mouth. They provide a very important service for us — they aid in digestion. We all have them, and they are not “bad bugs”. Therefore, we can’t (and shouldn’t) try to get rid of them!

But here’s what happens…
These bacteria break down proteins (which are made up of amino acids) when certain processes or conditions occur. Some amino acids contain sulfur, and when the breakdown occurs, strong odorous compounds are released from the tongue and throat. These compounds are referred to as VSCs (volatile sulfur compounds). Examples of VSCs are hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan, and they are sometimes described as smelling like “rotten eggs”.

So…if the bacteria need to be in your mouth and the above process occurs all the time, how do you get rid of mouth odor?

Good question. The only ways to combat bad breath is by halting the bacteria’s ability to produce these VSCs and to convert them to organic salts that don’t smell. Also, since bacteria reproduce faster in an acidic environment, you want to use something that neutralizes the acidity of the mouth.

Pharmaceutical companies that develop commercially marketed rinses add strong mint and “medicine” flavorings to fool you into thinking you have fresh breath. They even add specific colors (gold or green) to make it look like antiseptic medicine, since germ killing is the approach. The ironic part of this is that you can have a nice “minty” taste in your mouth after using these products, and still be offensive to the person you are speaking to. That is because taste and smell are two different senses.

These products use cover-ups. They don’t contain anything that neutralizes sulfur, and therefore cannot offer you long-lasting fresh breath. In fact, the opposite is often true — the problem gets worse! Why? Sugars in these products (very often mints or gum) and/or alcohol stimulate the bacteria to make more VSCs, especially since they make the mouth more acidic.

Okay, so what works?
Drink lots of water. Be aware of (or avoid) foods that are rich in sulfur — brussel sprouts, cabbage, onions and garlic, as well as dairy products. Coffee and alcohol consumption can also increase the problem.

As far as oral hygiene products go, the “solution” is simple! Use products that contain ingredients that oxidize and neutralize sulfur, and do NOT use alcohol. For cosmetic reasons, stay away from products that use artificial colors that can stain the teeth (that’s all you need — products that increase the breath problem and darken your teeth as well!).

A product line that has a proven track record and is personally used by thousands of leading dentists and hygienists is Oxyfresh. Oxyfresh uses a special oxidizing agent that neutralizes sulfur ,called Oxygene®. It also offers a patented rinse that combines Oxygene® with zinc (which also stops sulfur production by the anaerobic bacteria). Also, Oxyfresh products do NOT contain alcohol or artificial colors. The products taste great (no more bitter or mediciny after taste, burning, or drying out of the mouth), and offer fresh breath for HOURS because they eliminate odors at the source! The products are safe for the entire family.

If you would like to order Oxyfresh alcohol-free mouthrinse, and experience the ULTIMATE in fresh breath, please contact me. Your friends, co-workers, family and loved ones will THANK YOU for it!


Kalia Amos
Oxyfresh Oral Health Consultant
541 580-5138